Sign Companies are a very valuable business ally.  You don’t think about it very often, but what do you do when you realize that you need a roll up banner for an important trade show tomorrow and the date has crept up on you.  Now you have a real dilema.  What do you do now.

Which of the sign companies do you call.  If you have already established a working relationship with a trusted firm, you call them first.  This is exactly what occured last week.  Last Thursday at 5:30 pm. our phone wrang.  We are always in the office late, so we ansered the phone.

It was one of our good customers who realized that they had a very important conference to attend on Saturday morning and they realized that they did not anything to bring to present their company in a professional light.  It would be dissasterous and embarrasing for them to not be able to identify their company and display the key elemnts of their business.

After we consulted with the customer, we learned that the best way to accomplish their objective was with a roll up banner.  We discussed the products that he wanted to feature.  From there, we agreed on the key words that would be impactful on his banner.  Then we selected the colors and the pictures that we wanted to imbed in the print.

Most sign companies would not have even answered the phone after hours.  But Next Day Signs prides itself in customer service.  Not only did we answer the phone after we were closed, we also initiated the process to design their banner.  The next morning, our graphic designer produced the proof and emailed it to the customer for his comments.

The client provided us with his feedback on the font that he wanted and we made the proper adjustments.  When we responded with a second proof, the client was delighted.  He loved the design and gave us the go ahead to print.  Later that afternoon the banner was printed, trimmed, and installed into the roll up device.  But there was one more hurdle to overcome.  The client was not able to come to pick up his sign because he had a funeral that he needed to attend that evening.

That was not a problem for us.  One of our employees offered to bring it and drop it off at the client’s home, as it was on his way home.  The customer had a very successful conference and loved his display.  All of this was possible because he had established a business relationship with Next Day Signs.